
Sisteme Perfect Adaptate Proiectului Tău

Suntem dedicaţi activităţii noastre, o facem cu pasiune şi implicare. Ne simţim bine să realizăm produse de calitate-se potriveşte mai bine cu felul nostru de a fi, ca oameni.


Respectăm cu stricteţe bunele practici în procesul de proiectareşi producţie


Detaliile sunt cele care fac de cele mai multe ori diferenţa. Folosim toate componentele necesare pentru a asigura o funcţionare fără reproş pe termen lung a rulourilor: inele ax corect dimensionate ca număr, plăci de presiune, ax din oţel galvanizat cu grosime mare, ghidaje pentru covorul de lamele capabile să reziste şi celor mai puternice furtuni, cleme pentru covorul de lamele dublu fixate, motoare corect dimensionate prin raportare la mărimea ruloului. Stim, sunt termeni tehnici şi par dificil de înţeles. Dacă doreşti să afli mai în detaliu despre ce este vorba, întreabă-ne! Vom fi bucuroşi să-ţi răspundem!

We work differently.

With design & conceptual decisions, we create value for the objects.

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The research phase is very important. We do our best to plan every possible outcome, which would affect the budget and time of finishing the project:

  • Based on your exact needs, get only what your project requires.
  • Cost effective, to secure uninteruptable construction process.
  • We always get the best people in the field to work on specific areas.

The research phase is very important. We do our best to plan every possible outcome, which would affect the budget and time of finishing the project:

  • Based on your exact needs, get only what your project requires.
  • Cost effective, to secure uninteruptable construction process.
  • We always get the best people in the field to work on specific areas.

The research phase is very important. We do our best to plan every possible outcome, which would affect the budget and time of finishing the project:

  • Based on your exact needs, get only what your project requires.
  • Cost effective, to secure uninteruptable construction process.
  • We always get the best people in the field to work on specific areas.


Amazing team with international recognition

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Jack Ottoman

Jack Ottoman

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus hendrerit.
Alison Clutcher

Alison Clutcher

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Julie Crawford

Julie Crawford

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus hendrerit.
Project Manager
Peter Jefferson

Peter Jefferson


Milestones that we proudly accomplished & lead us forward.




Team Members


Years in Industry

We work with top clients.

Fine home box
Ciner Build
Biger Wall
Bright Sun Views
Build Origin
Top Shelf
Sprinter Brick
Contact us

Creative project? Let’s have a productive talk.